Q: What do our services entail? A: My service is an educational experience based around animals. I do 2 hour long programs in which I present about my snakes, lizards, and amphibians. I also include supplemental materials to round out the experience. Supplemental elements include: animal bones, skulls, bird feathers, preserved bird wings, snake shed skin, animal teeth, and pinned invertebrate specimens. Supplemental elements include some only for show and some for touch and interaction.
Q: Are your snakes venomous?
A: No, none of my animals are venomous.
Q: Do your snakes bite?
A: I have raised these animals and know how to read their body language. Every presentation begins with a safety briefing to explain to the audience the safest way to interact with the animals. These instructions ensure the animals never become stressed and minimize any bite risk. If instructions are violated and an animal is harmed somehow, it could retaliate in fear and pain, but such bites would not be harmful and can be taken care of by simple washing with soap and water. I regularly handle my animals and they are accustomed to many different sensory stimuli, and I can say with utmost certainty that they are very patient with touch and handling and a bite incident has never happened.
Q: How much do you charge?
A: I charge $250 upfront for 2 hours of my stay. If an extended stay is requested each additional hour is $50.
Q: Can I exclude the insect component?
A: All of the supplemental components are customizable. Upon emailing me I send you a list of all the components and you may change them as you see fit, no questions asked. The only constant in all of my shows is the reptiles as they are the main focus.
Q: I see you are Polish, do you do shows in Polish?
A: Although I am fluent in both languages, I find it difficult to explain certain things about the animals in Polish as during all my years of research I only ever learned things in English. Because of this I only offer my programs in English. I believe it would be unfair of me to advertise myself as a duel-language presenter because I would not be able to give my best performance in Polish. That being said, if asked, I can do my best to translate and explain some things in Polish during a show.